Tackling Trillion-Dollar Debt: America's Unspoken Crisis
Wake up, America! The federal debt and deficit spiral out of control, yet politicians remain silent. It's time to demand fiscal responsibility.
I remain steadfast in my commitment to there being only one major issue facing this country, and that is the federal debt and deficit. We are increasing the federal debt by a trillion dollars every 100 days. Our representatives authorize the spending of $6.5 trillion. Meanwhile, the federal government is expected to take in $4.9 trillion, resulting in an expected deficit of $1.6 trillion.
That number is not slowing down. The 2025 budget proposal from the Biden administration calls for over $7.2 trillion to be spent. The outrageousness of the condition that the US is in right now makes it so insane to me that we are talking about any other topic if every voting citizen of the United States does not recognize the severity of the deficit and debt problem that we all face. Why do the voters allow this trainwreck to continue?
The Tax Foundation has stated, “We estimate the tax changes in the president’s budget would reduce long-run GDP by 2.2 percent, the capital stock by 3.8 percent, wages by 1.6 percent, and employment by about 788,000 full-time equivalent jobs. The budget would decrease American incomes (as measured by gross national product, or GNP) by 1.9 percent in the long run, reflecting offsetting effects of increased taxes and reduced deficits, as debt reduction reduces interest payments to foreign owners of the national debt.”
You are wasting your vote if you do not vote for a candidate who wants to reign in this irresponsible spending. No candidates are speaking about what is clearly the biggest issue of our time, and we need to address this issue immediately so I don't care about who's running for office unless they are speaking about solutions to this mammoth problem. That is talking about stuff that we cannot address the problems we cannot solve if we don't get our fiscal affairs in order. I remain steadfast in my commitment to there being only one day. And if you’re looking to Trump to be the savior of fiscal responsibility, you are delusional. There will be a hefty price for Americans to pay for allowing this irresponsible behavior by our representatives, once “kicking the can down the road” is no longer an available option. America needs a Javier Milei-type candidate running for president!