EcoHealth, Wuhan, and the COVID Coverup: Unveiling the Truth
Did Fauci and Collins conceal vital information about the pandemic's origins?
EcoHealth / Wuhan Coverup
As we now know, there were efforts to conceal the severity of COVID-19, including the role of the NIH and EcoHealth Alliance in funding gain-of-function research. Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins are accused of conspiring to conceal the lab leak origin of COVID-19 from the Wuhan labe. The deep state may sound like a conspiracy theory, but what do you call a group of individuals who have been in government for a long time and have become disconnected from democratic processes? Americans need accountability in the COVID-19 response and the failure of leadership during the pandemic.
Most of the investigations focused on nailing down email communication with NIH officials, and an organization called Eco Health Alliance. This is a nonprofit that's focused on infectious disease research. Through NIH, Fauci, and Collins, EcoHealth Organization was awarded research grants to various labs, including the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which we now know, clearly violated the terms of its grants by failing to report that gain of function experiments were being conducted at Wuhan. EcoHealth was supposed to reward any experiment that exhibited characteristics to be 10 times more infectious to humans. But when that happened, it failed to disclose this research to the NIH, and on May 17, 2024, a deputy director of the NIH acknowledged that the agency funded gain of function research, and this is key because Fauci initially denied this during this multiple times to Senator Rand Paul; Fauci said, “I totally resent the line. We're now propagating in response to questions from rainfall about the lab and the theory.” So Fauci either didn't know or lied under oath.
Their funding of this was not done to create a pandemic. It might have been a mistake in hindsight, but for many years, particularly following the original SARS pandemic, there was a lot of conversation about how we get in front of the next pandemic. How do we figure out what's coming? And how do we prepare for it? And there was a lot of research that was launched to try and resolve that key question. It's as if to try and stop the problem, NIH, Fauci, and Collins caused the problem.
From my point of view, there's a very high probability that we were working to try and get in front of the next pandemic and understand what we could do to prepare ourselves with vaccines to be developed and so on, and what actually happened, led to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Do you think there was a cover-up? These guys didn't want that they were funding gain of function research revealed since it was banned since Obama was in office. I think they were trying to prevent the mainstream media and social media from learning the truth, land protecting their asses at the same time. I will say EcoHealth’s, Peter Daszek's testimony last week where he was deliberately changing the names of people in the email Anderson and he put the dollar sign. So they couldn't find that email when you did a FOIA search. He knew what he was doing.
US Department of Health cut all funding to EcoHealth in response to the committee's investigation.
This is where it gets really interesting, emails were written as Eco Health, to thwart FOIA, and in emails, they would spell Anderson with a $ sign, Kristian Andersen in this example, is a biologist who was reportedly awarded $9 million grants from the NIH two months after publishing a paper claiming to COVID to not come from the lab. So let's get to some of these clips.
On October 23, 2021, another scientist wrote how he is concerned about the privacy of text and other messages from his cell phone to you and me because he has been using a government phone. This came from Fauci, “Sir, did you ever have any conversations with Dr. Fauci regarding using personal phone or email to communicate with Dr. Besser? I don't remember it's possible. You know, I probably wouldn't have remembered it. I don't remember on January 18. You testified that you did not have any conversations with Dr. Fauci regarding EcoHealth on October 25, 2021.”
Fauci knew very early, as early as February 1 of 2020, that COVID came from the lab, the scientist said, it is not naturally occurring. It's something that was added to basically bioengineer the virus to make it more transmissible in humans. So they knew right away that this somehow, most likely came from a lab. Whether a leak at the lab or a worker from the lab somehow transmitted it to the nearby Wuhan market, it clearly originated in the U.S.-funded lab in Wuhan. We now know that Fauci and Collins said in emails that they were going to begin a brutal takedown to conceal this fundamental truth of the lab leak from the public. Why would Fauci need to conceal this? Because they knew they had funded gain of function research programs via EcoHealth Alliance to conduct gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Moreover, Fauci was personally responsible for reversing an Obama-era decision to prohibit function research because it was so risky, Fauci wrote op-eds, justifying game function research. He wrote a paper in 2012, which was actually quite candid about the risks of gain of function research, he describes the kind of lately that could occur in the type of virus that could escape from the lab, but then he says it's a risk worth taking. So this is somebody who funded the gain of function research and was personally responsible for lifting the ban on the unfunctional search.
Fauci & CO. were seeking a way to avoid getting caught in an email FOIA request.
We also have a clearer picture of how Fauci and Collins were not only lying about the origins of COVID-19 to cover up their role in funding this type of research but were actively working to silence opposing views. There was a comprehensive effort by people at NIH, to smear and “cancel” respected scientists like Jay Bhattacharya by censoring and banning them on social media, simply for speaking out against the popular narrative coming down from D.C. even with clear facts presented, they would not even allow those facts to be examined. This is part of what the “Twitter files” were all about, the government squelching the voices of opposing views - a serious violation of the First Amendment.
What happened here needs a clear accounting because the implications are far greater than people may realize. Look at the natural economic consequences of what COVID did, and our reaction, we broke the seal of having absolutely no accountability on massive spending. We spent trillions in subsidies which included kickbacks. It's creating a massive federal debt issue.
If we had the facts, we would have responded to this pandemic differently, those issues without if we had just kept the economy open because we would have understood what was going on. We would not have reacted the way that we did and we would not have nearly as much debt as we have, we would not have made it okay for politicians to spend trillions of dollars. That is a direct consequence of a knee-jerk reaction to COVID, not COVID itself.
We must pause humans taking immaturely tested drugs, in this case, the first COVID-19 vaccines. They recall vaccines and we found out that they were modestly effective, at best. And then some of them were designed in some ways to manipulate our DNA and we just don't know what the long-term impacts will be, if any. We have had some small issues of myocarditis and we see other issues, but the point is, we just don't know what the long-term consequence of taking the COVID-19 vaccines will be on humans, hopefully, they will be negligible. And that would not have happened had we not rushed to force people to stand in a line and get a jab to “get back to normal.” That was a direct consequence, not of COVID-19, but our government’s misguided reaction.
We now realize that we have this power-drunk deep state. It has been suggested that there are people on the top floor of the CIA and the Pentagon who believe that it isn't the Democrats nor the Republicans that run the country, but it is them, the bureaucrats who are there regardless of a Republican or Democrat administration. And I see a similar level of arrogance, that they know better and so what they did was they committed the greatest sin, which is where the cover-up is way greater than the crime. They created a setup where all of these things were amplified by their prestige, and their perceived scientific knowledge, but what they were really doing was keeping critical information to themselves and then trying to cover it up to some that is so unacceptable when you think of the broad consequences of what happened and that's what needs to get documented.
Imagine what happened in the Situation Room or the equivalent wherever the President of the United States and all these world leaders were coalescing to try to make decisions in that period. They all looked at Fauci and said, lead us out of this mess. And so do we not think that at any point Fauci was thinking, ‘How do I do this to where I have no fingerprints?’ clearly the answer is MOST DEFINITELY. It is fair to say we could not have gotten it because he was too conflicted. He was figuring out how to cover up what happened, as opposed to just owning it and then help the world get out of this mess that he had created.
What is the strategy that goes through somebody's mind when they decide to do a cover-up, is it just fear of getting caught? And their lives being ruined, and they're going to do this incredible cover-up? I think that they thought this would become a globally destabilizing moment between the United States and China and that there could be revolutions. Now I know that this is no longer a conspiracy theory.
Why are the public funds being used to create COVID-19, killing millions? And our kids didn't go to school and our businesses were forced to close down based on flawed information coming from Facui and Collins. This is so abhorrent, and they need to be held accountable and potentially sent to jail.